Introduction to Portraiture in Pastels – Saturday 28th March @Lawrence studio

This is an enjoyable and sociable workshop for those who want to learn new skills or brush up on old ones.

Feeling inspired by Sky Portrait Artist of the year TV programme?

Come along to this workshop where you will learn how to draw a portrait in pastels form life

Nigerian model Fo will be modelling

In the morning you will learn how to draw the face in proportion, how to draw the features of the face and after lunch one long pose in pastel or bring your paints along if you wish

Saturday 28th March 2020

10 30am -4pm

Cost: £49 to include all materials and model fees.

Plenty of demonstrations and 1-to-1 tuition. fantastic, light, well equipped studio space.

Venue: Lawrence Art Studio,

16 Kingsthorpe Road, Hove, BN3 5HR.

To book a place email

or contact Debbie: 01273 505201

Any queries do not hesitate to get in touch.

Images: below by Pat Winter of Fo and featured image is Pat painting Tom
